
These free, downloadable ePublications by Dr. McGee delve into addiction and treatment, answering the question “Why can’t I stop?,” explaining the nature of addiction, and offering a path to recovery and joy.

Free ePublications by Dr. Michael McGee

Why Can’t I Stop?

Many people find addiction baffling. Why do people suffering from this illness continue to use, even when they know it’s destroying their lives and harming others? Addiction betrays our common-sense notion that if it hurts, you won’t do it. The answer to the mystery of addiction lies in neurobiology. Addiction develops as a dysregulation of our brain’s drive-reward system. What follows is a description of the neurobiological basis of addiction that will hopefully shed some light on this complex disease.

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The Nature of Addiction: Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Sex & More

Addiction is a complex illness with multiple contributing factors. It is pain management gone awry. Almost always, more than one factor exists. In this free ebook you’ll learn about these factors:

  1. Biological or genetic
  2. Psychological
  3. Social and environmental
  4. Interpersonal
  5. Cultural
  6. Existential or spiritual

Is addiction a disease? People disagree about whether addiction is a brain disease or just a maladaptive behavior. This book explains that the answer depends on how you define “addiction.”

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Choosing Recovery: The No-Nonsense Guide to Recovery

Choosing recovery has three steps:

  1. Recognizing the reality and pain of your addiction.
  2. Developing the hope that recovery will be a better solution than addiction.
  3. Removing roadblocks to change, including asking for help.

This free epublication explains these steps in more detail and also offers advice for overcoming episodes of re-addiction. It reminds readers that successful recovery from addiction requires patience and perseverance, but inspires them to have faith in themselves and the process of recovery.

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Ways to Joy cover

Ways to Joy

Joy is our true nature. You need only watch children playing in a park to see our joyful essence expressed. We all have the capacity to experience peace and joy. But joy is not something to be pursued; for if you attempt to pursue joy, it will evade your grasp. Like happiness, joy is something to be accessed, not pursued.

How do we access the joy of life? How do we realize joy in the midst of what often seems mundane or difficult? This free epublication answers those questions and offers intentional practices for cultivating joy.

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