Expand Your Ability to Love and Be Loved
With Love Lessons Sent to
Your Inbox Every Day
Each Love Lesson is packed with insights from Dr. Michael McGee that will help you learn how to connect with others more deeply, heal past trauma, and change your life—one day at a time.
Change the way you love and you’ll change the way you feel about yourself, others, and your life.
For most of us, love is a feeling we associate with others. Love is the way you feel about your spouse, your children, and your dearest friends.
But loving that way, and that way only, can cause a lot of frustration.
That’s because love was never meant to be a feeling. Genuine love is an action.
It is an act we engage in to the benefit of others—all others—and ourselves. It arises from a sense of reverence for ourselves and everyone around us.
Seeing and experiencing love as an action isn’t something that comes naturally to most of us, but it is a skill we can cultivate with the right practice.
Love Lessons Daily is a series of poignant, heart-felt messages on love that are sent straight to your inbox every single day. Each one is personally crafted by love expert Michael McGee to help you dive deep into every facet of the infinite love that is available to all of us.
Daily Love Lessons tackle topics like how to:
- Foster a sense of connection, even if you can't be physically close to others.
- Cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation, even if life doesn't seem to be going your way.
- Accept your imperfections and use love to transform your mistakes into a source of transformation.
- Judge yourself and others less by cultivating understanding and compassion.
- Lead with love, even if the most loving action is one that will cause pain.
- Get past the feeling of "being in love" to discover a deeper, more meaningful sense of the word.
- And much, much more!
Loving yourself and others isn’t just something you should know how to do.
It's something that takes practice, dedication, and guidance from someone who knows and deeply understands every facet of what it means to love and be loved.
Dr. Michael McGee is a board certified psychiatrist and author with over 30 years of experience helping others access deeper reserves of loving feelings to transform how they view others, how they view themselves, and how they view the world. Based on that experience, he has created over 1,000 Daily Love Lessons that will help you learn how to love well.
Day-by-day, you’ll learn to love yourself more, you’ll learn how to love others more, and you’ll slowly develop a sense of reverence for your life that has the power to change your mind, your body, and your spirit.
Love can be learned
Knowing how to love isn't something we're born with. It's something we learn early on from our caregivers.
If positive, warm, and boundless love isn't modeled or taught to us when we are children, a love wound results. That woundedness can negatively impact your sense of lovability and make it difficult to experience a truly loving connection to others.
But there is hope, no matter what your earliest experiences with love.
Full, genuine, life-altering love is possible for all of us at any time with Love Lessons Daily.
You will receive inspirations and guidance that will make you think about love in new ways. Each daily mini reflection will put you in a love-centered mindset each morning, giving you the opportunity to practice healthy, whole ways of giving and receiving love each day.
Start Your Day With a Little Love
Over 1,000 individual mini lessons arrive in your inbox each and every day.
Lessons cover a comprehensive range of topics, like loving self-care, facing pain, and more.
Your subscription costs just $9.99 each month and can be canceled at any time.
Are you ready to let a little more love into your life every day?
Sign up for Dr. Michael McGee’s Daily Love Lessons and take one small step each day towards realizing a life of love—genuine, heart-centered, infinite love.