Justice Services & Treatment
Moving Beyond Compliance to Lasting Change: How The ASAM Criteria and Evidence-Based Practices Can Help
To achieve the goals of increased public safety, decreased legal recidivism and crime, participants need to be engaged in a self-change, accountable treatment process. In the past, helping people change has too often depended on seeing resistance as negative, client pathology, “breaking through denial” and strategies that have disempowered and disrespected people. Individualized treatment using the concepts and constructs of the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s (ASAM) Criteria and motivational interviewing and other evidence-based practices can help engage participants in lasting change.
This workshop will discuss how treatment providers and problem solving courts can work together to move people beyond compliance with mandated treatment to engage participants in responsible, accountable change.
Participants will
- Identify how to more purposefully join with participants to facilitate action/change.
- Apply The ASAM Criteria and Evidence-Based Practices to engage hard-to-reach people as an active participant in an accountable service plan.
- Discuss what to expect of each stakeholder and how to work together to increase accountability and lasting change.
Workshop Agenda
8:30 AM Registration
9:00 AM A. Understanding How People Change and How to Facilitate Change
- What influences outcomes – treatment and extratherapeutic factors
- The role of therapeutic alliance
- Stages of Change and implications for court orders
B. Engaging the Participant in Collaborative Care in Justice Services
- Developing the Treatment Contract
- “Doing treatment and change” versus “Doing Time”
- Implications for criminal justice’s mission vs treatment
10:30 AM Break
10:45 AM C. The Power of Language and Terminology
- Terminology that affects the therapeutic alliance for good and bad
- Re-framing language and terms to engage participants effectively
D. Underlying Principles of The ASAM Criteria
- Outcomes-driven versus program-driven
- Individualized treatment to increase accountability
- “Discovery, dropout prevention” and “recovery, relapse prevention”
12 Noon Lunch
1:00 PM E. How to Organize Assessment Data in The ASAM Criteria
- ASAM Criteria multidimensional assessment
- Moving from assessment to treatment plans
- What court personnel should expect of treatment and vice versa
2:30 PM Break
2:45 PM F. Systems Issues
- How to use sanctions and incentives in Drug Court and other problem solving courts to advance real change
- Improving communication between Court staff, Treatment Providers and the medical community
- Conflict resolution to focus on outcomes of public safety and decreased crime and legal recidivism
4:00 PM Adjourn